AcroYoga Foundations: Trust, Connection and Weight-sharing with Meghan Kazanski

Workshop Description:

Yoga invokes elements of introspection, awareness and exploration of self. Can these elements be maintained (dare I say, enhanced) when we accept a partnership into our practice?

AcroYoga surfaces an entirely new set of vulnerabilities and uncertainties within us. All of which, necessitate acceptance, trust, communication, and connection for us to harness the power of partnership and contribute to each other’s individual growth.

Using exercises that encourage partnership, play and exploration, the weight and strength of a partner will be used to challenge gravity, and allow gravity to bring us together. We will develop trust — towards our partners, who will support our bodies, and in ourselves, that we are strong and powerful enough to support others. We will develop individual and collective proprioception — such that we may be airborne, but feel safe and grounded. We will develop connection — finding structural balance to achieve comfort, responsiveness, and synergy. These will culminate throughout the workshop to a series of counterbalance poses, where we will explore weight-sharing roles to elegantly form shapes and negotiate space in ways that are only achieved with the capabilities of partnered bodies.  No previous AcroYoga experience is required. No partner required.

Location: Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: 2:30 – 3:10pm


Meghan Kazanski

Meghan Kazanski is an instructor, trainer, and student. She recently relocated from Austin, TX to continue pursuing her Ph.D. in Kinesiology at PSU. With experience in martial arts, dance, acrobatics, AcroYoga, and general strength and mobility principles, Meghan is most interested in developing fundamental movement capacities within her clients (perhaps a ‘jack of all trades’ approach). She believe that this contributes to joyful, pain-free and enriching freedom in movement applicable to any need, sport, or modality.While in Austin, Meghan started a group called ‘Austin Movement Meet-up.’ This group consists of health and wellness professionals, as well as those looking to develop an individual practice, meeting weekly to share approaches to integrating elements of play, creativity and movement diversity to improve patient, client, and personal outcomes. Meghan is passionate about connecting wellness practitioners to get people moving better and moving more.

Meghan highly regards group and partnership-based movement practices as fulfilling a critical social component of movement. For this reason, Meghan has intensively studied many dance styles, as well as partnered acrobatics and AcroYoga to render elements of trust, connection and non-verbal communication to her students and clients. Meghan has a unique approach to her instruction of AcroYoga, as she draws upon these concepts from many practices to facilitate enriching connections and a holistic regard for individual growth.

HoOp Dance Workshop with Bethany Seib

Workshop Description:

Hooping is a complete workout for the mind and body. Stimulating self-confidence and sensual awareness while toning the body. Hoop Dance promotes play and childlike, spirited celebration. It is a fun and energetic cardiovascular workout. Improves flexibility and endurance. Strengthens and tones abdominal muscles. Stress Relieving. Enhances coordination and balance. Everyone learns at their own pace and students can use the time to explore the possibilities of the hoop and clear their minds. You’ll be reminded of your childhood- where physical play was FUN- not a “workout”. Even if you never hooped, I have found that virtually ALL of my students are able to hoop given the proper tools and training. Simply put: you will sweat; laugh; and challenge your limits with every “swish” of the hoop. My Hula Hoops are easy to use; beautifully designed; and built to take a beating.


Location: Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: TBD


Bethany Seib

Bethany Seib is an artist, educator, and performer. Ten years ago she picked up a hoop at a festival and hasn’t been able to put it down since. Throughout the years she taught herself new tricks and moves with the help of fellow hoopers and videos. What started out as a fun hobby has grown into a passionate practice for her. Bethany continues to explore the possibilities of the hoop and challenges herself daily. She believes the flow of the practice allows her to calm her mind and feeds her soul. Bethany enjoys sharing her enthusiasm and love of Hooping with others. She believes that everyone can Hoop with the right hoop and attitude. As an instructor, she strives to create a comfortable environment that encourages exploration of the mind and body.





















Sound, Chakras, and Color Workshop with Sandy Vandeven

Workshop Description:

Join Sandy for an exploration into the ancient yogic breathing practices of pranayama (rhythmic breathing practices) and nada pasyanti (sound/light visualization) laying the groundwork for a peaceful meditation practice. We will systematically ascend through each Chakra center using visualization of color, light, and sound from base to crown, practice a variety of rhythmic breathing practices to focus the mind and calm the body, and conclude with concentration meditation (dhyana). This workshop welcomes yogis from all levels. A blanket or cushion is recommended. 

Location: Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: TBD


In 2013 Sandy fell in love with the calming flow of TriYoga. Ever since, she’s been enjoying and exploring the embodied wisdom that’s revealed through the power of peaceful focus accompanied by a conscious breath. After studying with TriYoga teachers Theresa Shay, Citrini Ware, and Matt Beigle, Sandy received her TriYoga Basics certification in the spring of 2016. A native of Annapolis, Maryland, she lived and worked in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia before moving to Boalsburg. With its abundance of nature and local food, Central Pennsylvania has captured her heart. She is happy to call it home, and excited to share the gifts of yoga with her new community.




















Breath, Prana & Place Workshop with Justine Andronici

Workshop Description:

Join Justine for a prana vidya practice – a combination of yoga practices including conscious rhythmic breathing (pranayama), as well as concentration and meditation techniques which increase the flow of prana (energy). When we practice in a natural setting charged with energy, we also increase our ability to deeply perceive and connect to our environment.  The practice will include an opportunity to explore the natural environment with new awareness. Take a journey into Breath, Prana & Place, and explore the sounds, colors and energy of the natural world at Millbrook Marsh. Beginners are welcome!


Location: Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: 2:30 – 3:10pm


Justine Androninici, a certified TriYoga® Instructor

Justine’s teaching focus is that every breath, every moment, is a new opportunity to practice yoga.  Justine works individually with students as they build practices that meet their unique needs at her private yoga studio, Path to Calm, in State College, PA and teaches workshops focused on using yoga movement, breathing and meditation practices for wellness. Justine found her path to wellness through yoga after suffering health effects from her career as social justice attorney and activist. Spending time in nature is an important part of Justine’s yoga practice. Her yoga path included many traditions, and eventually led her to TriYoga®.  She is certified in Triyoga, yogaflow® (movement practices), as well as prana vidya, rhythmic breathing (pranayama), concentration (dharana), and meditation (dhyana) practices.

Contact Improvisation with Erica Kaufman, E-RYT-500 (Music performed by Chris Brown)

Workshop Description:

Join Erica Kaufman, E-RYT-500, for a Contact Improvisation (CI) workshop with Live Music (performed by Chris Brown)!

CI is a marvelous way of heightening awareness and mindfulness. It can greatly inform ones yoga practice. CI explores the vast potential for movement generated by two or more people, communicating spontaneously through weight, motion and touch. Through the physical principles of touch, momentum, and weight sharing, this class explores the skills of falling, rolling, counterbalance, lifting using minimal effort, how to make ourselves light when being lifted, centering and breathing techniques, and responsiveness to our partners and surroundings. Traditional dance backgrounds are not needed.


Location: Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: TBD


Erica Kaufman, E-RYT-500

“Influenced by Krishnamacharya’s teachings and Krishna Murti’s philosophies, I was brought into this beautiful lineage of yoga. When I think of yoga, I think of life. Through my life with yoga, I began to refine my awareness, my choices. I experienced moments of yoga–true integration beyond the limited body/mind. These moments were so potent that I felt compelled to practice more–to learn more. By age 14, I was practicing 3-5 times a week with my meditation teacher Dr Clayton McCracken.”

Yogacharya Erica Kaufman is the founder of Lila Yoga® and the owner of Lila Yoga Studios. She began daily devoted yoga practices at age 9. Influenced by Jiddu Krishnamurti’s philosophy and Krishnamacharya’s teachings, she spends three months a year in India.

Since 1984, Erica has taught ancient wisdom as a daily practice and holds the highest level of Registry with Yoga Alliance. Her teaching expertise and sophisticated gutsy openness awarded her Yoga Journal’s Karma Credit and features in publications such as The Times of India. As a mentor to yoga teachers, aspirants, and community members alike, Erica tours the USA, Europe, Israel, and India teaching seminars on Lila Yoga® and Contact Improvisation.

Chris Brown, local musician

We are excited to have Chris Brown at Yoga Fest State College 2017!

For as long as I can remember, playing music and singing has been about opening up and sharing my humanity with others. It’s been about learning to be vulnerable, creating connection, and meeting myself and other people in a place of presence, and authenticity. Through this experience has come my own hearts’ awakening, and healing.

I’m drawn to and moved by artists who lay their hearts out on the line. You can hear it in the way they sing, or play their instrument. It’s as if every part of their human experience is being channeled and filtered through their instrument, or through their voice. Their heartache, triumphs, loneliness, love, connection, joy, etc, nothing is left out! I strive to play and sing like that! Artists like Ray Charles, Ray Lamontagne, and Chris Stapleton continually teach me how to come home to my inner experience and let it shine.” – Chris Brown

Video Credits:

Diving Into Unknown by Erica Kaufman from TEEPOI on Vimeo.
Erica is a dancer, choreographer, yogini, and a Contact Improviser.
Production: Teepoi
Producer : Vandana Druva Kumar
Cinematography: Karishma Rao, Vandana Druva Kumar, Vishwesh Shiva Prasad
Edit & Grade: Vishwesh Shiva Prasad














Mindfulness Nature Walk with Mark Agrusti, RYT-500

Workshop Description:

Join Mark Agrusti, RYT-500, for a pleasant mindfulness walk within the serene natural areas surrounding the festival. This nature walk is an invitation to step back from the bustle & busy-ness of everyday life, reconnect with the natural world, and to enjoy the peace that we uncover when living fully within our present-moment experiences. When we mindfully walk through nature with openness & awareness, we are reminded that we too are a part of the natural world and we begin to recognize our interconnection with everything that is. This hike will include simple, guided mindfulness meditation practices to assist us in focusing on the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations of our journey through the woods. Our walk will conclude with a sharing circle; an opportunity for us to gather together to share our experiences and realizations from the hike.


Location: Boardwalk @ Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: 2:30 – 3:10pm (Session 1) and 3:30 – 4:10pm (Session 2)


Mark Agrusti, RYT-500

Mark is an investigator; approaching all experiences in life with an attitude of curiosity & Self-Inquiry. As a teacher, he empowers students to discover this same sense of Inquiry in their own lives, by leveraging practices of Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation as opportunities for understanding the nature of the Self, mind, & identity. He is a co-founding partner at Yoga Lab and a co-primary teacher at the “Dharma Lions Meditation & Mindfulness Club” at Penn State. He is a mindfulness & meditation consultant for the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at Penn State. Mark is an advocate for vegan & plant-based lifestyles, and teaches mindfulness & meditation workshops at yoga festivals and vegetarian expos across the east coast.

When we cultivate this Awareness, we truly begin to see with clarity, the people in our lives and the world around us. We begin to observe the world as it is, instead of living within the stories and fears we’ve constructed in our minds. We become more resilient, more compassionate, more patient, and better listeners. Kinder to ourselves & others. And we discover Stillness.

Mark Agrusti is a co-founder of Yoga Lab ( in State College, PA. He has practiced mindfulness & self-inquiry since 2001 and has completed 800+ hours of yoga trainings in a variety of styles; including Vedic/Yoga philosophy at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, and advanced functional anatomy studies with Lara Heimann of YogaStream. Mark is a co-primary teacher for the Dharma Lions Meditation & Mindfulness Community at Penn State University and he collaborates on Mindfulness/Meditation research & implementation projects at the Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center. He teaches Meditation & Yoga trainings at Yoga Lab. He has tremendous love for all beings… and lives everyday embracing the truth that Animals Are People Too.










Chris Brown

We are excited to have Chris Brown at Yoga Fest State College 2017!

For as long as I can remember, playing music and singing has been about opening up and sharing my humanity with others. It’s been about learning to be vulnerable, creating connection, and meeting myself and other people in a place of presence, and authenticity. Through this experience has come my own hearts’ awakening, and healing.

I’m drawn to and moved by artists who lay their hearts out on the line. You can hear it in the way they sing, or play their instrument. It’s as if every part of their human experience is being channeled and filtered through their instrument, or through their voice. Their heartache, triumphs, loneliness, love, connection, joy, etc, nothing is left out! I strive to play and sing like that! Artists like Ray Charles, Ray Lamontagne, and Chris Stapleton continually teach me how to come home to my inner experience and let it shine.” – Chris Brown




