Intro to Meditation
Yoga Styles
Yoga Specialities
Mantra, Meditation, Mudra, Workshops, Yoga Philosophy
Long Description

We don't meditate just when things are going well and we have the time. We don't meditate just for the season, or just for the situation, or just when we think of it. We meditate as a chosen habit, as a commitment to cultivating a more peaceful, more aware, more vibrant and more connected being. We practice a way of being, replacing the less conscious ways we have formerly known. We touch the place within that is Love, we vibrate with Presence, and we radiate Light into the world.

Join Theresa Mondays in November (Nov. 6, 13, 20 and 27) from 7:30 - 9 pm

  • Discover TriYoga’s systematized approach to meditation
  • Calm the mind and manage stress
  • Improve physical and mental health
  • Cultivate inner peace on and off the cushion
  • Understand the mind-body-breath connection
  • Learn mantras and mudras that enhance relaxation
  • Explore subtle anatomy and expanded consciousness
  • Take in the illuminating wisdom of ancient yoga philosophy
  • Develop a daily practice with your free copy ofPrana Vidya Daily 10 (for those registered by Oct. 26)
Event Start Date (if applicable)
Event End Date (if applicable)
Phone Number
Business (or Event Venue) Address
Upstairs at 106 N Church Street
ZIP Code

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