Understanding and Balancing Your Chakras
Additional Professions
Club/Studio Owner, Mindfulness Instructor
Long Description

​​Understanding and Balancing Your Chakras
October 29 | 1:00-5:00 PM 

Cost: $60 | Class Limit: 15
Taught by: Nicole White

In this introductory workshop, participants will delve into an interactive exploration of the 7 major chakras of the energy body. When our chakra centers are in balance, our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being improves, as well as our sense of groundedness and openness to others. Nicole will present a wide variety of techniques to heal chakra energy centers, allowing participants to bring home essential healing tools that can easily be incorporated into daily life.
​(No experience necessary.)


  • How to use a pendulum to locate chakras with a partner
  • How to detect if a chakra energy center is imbalanced or blocked
  • How to use food, color, positive affirmations, and visualizations to strengthen their chakras
  • How to choose yoga poses, crystals, & essential oils to heal specific chakra centers
  • How to use techniques such as vocal toning, meditation, breathing exercises, and hands-on healing to balance chakras in yourself and others
Reiki Master, Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapist
Event Start Date (if applicable)
Phone Number
Business (or Event Venue) Address
Serenity Wellness Centre
2011 Cato Ave., Suite 201
State College
ZIP Code

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