Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Training & Certification
November 11 & November 12 | 9:30- 4:30 PM
Cost: $600 | Class Limit: 10
*Payment plan available
As part of this class, students have to receive a pre-ignition. Students will be asked to attend the free Reiki Circle held on November 9th to receive the pre-ignition after the share. If unable to attend the Reiki Circle, individual arrangements will be coordinated.
Become a Certified Reiki Master in this two-day healing excursion. As a Reiki Master you can teach and attune others to the amazing healing energies of Reiki. Students of the Master class find the attunements and ignitions given during the class provide a deep energetic healing.
- Holy Fire Symbol
- Master and Holy Fire Ignitions
- Healing Attunements
- Healing Spirit Attachments
- Healing & Holy Fire Ignitions
- How to give Reiki I, II, and Healing Attunements
- How to give Master Ignitions
- How to teach Reiki I, II, ART, and Master classes
- Reiki Meditations for heart healing
- The in's and out's of starting your own practice
- Lots of hands-on time giving attunements, ignitions, and Reiki healing using all Reiki symbols
Pre-requisite: Reiki I, Reiki II and Advanced (ART) Reiki Certification
(if these were received by a different Reiki Master, please email or fax certificates to Nicole