Workshop Description:

Yoga invokes elements of introspection, awareness and exploration of self. Can these elements be maintained (dare I say, enhanced) when we accept a partnership into our practice?

AcroYoga surfaces an entirely new set of vulnerabilities and uncertainties within us. All of which, necessitate acceptance, trust, communication, and connection for us to harness the power of partnership and contribute to each other’s individual growth.

Using exercises that encourage partnership, play and exploration, the weight and strength of a partner will be used to challenge gravity, and allow gravity to bring us together. We will develop trust — towards our partners, who will support our bodies, and in ourselves, that we are strong and powerful enough to support others. We will develop individual and collective proprioception — such that we may be airborne, but feel safe and grounded. We will develop connection — finding structural balance to achieve comfort, responsiveness, and synergy. These will culminate throughout the workshop to a series of counterbalance poses, where we will explore weight-sharing roles to elegantly form shapes and negotiate space in ways that are only achieved with the capabilities of partnered bodies.  No previous AcroYoga experience is required. No partner required.

Location: Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: 2:30 – 3:10pm


Meghan Kazanski

Meghan Kazanski is an instructor, trainer, and student. She recently relocated from Austin, TX to continue pursuing her Ph.D. in Kinesiology at PSU. With experience in martial arts, dance, acrobatics, AcroYoga, and general strength and mobility principles, Meghan is most interested in developing fundamental movement capacities within her clients (perhaps a ‘jack of all trades’ approach). She believe that this contributes to joyful, pain-free and enriching freedom in movement applicable to any need, sport, or modality.While in Austin, Meghan started a group called ‘Austin Movement Meet-up.’ This group consists of health and wellness professionals, as well as those looking to develop an individual practice, meeting weekly to share approaches to integrating elements of play, creativity and movement diversity to improve patient, client, and personal outcomes. Meghan is passionate about connecting wellness practitioners to get people moving better and moving more.

Meghan highly regards group and partnership-based movement practices as fulfilling a critical social component of movement. For this reason, Meghan has intensively studied many dance styles, as well as partnered acrobatics and AcroYoga to render elements of trust, connection and non-verbal communication to her students and clients. Meghan has a unique approach to her instruction of AcroYoga, as she draws upon these concepts from many practices to facilitate enriching connections and a holistic regard for individual growth.

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