Workshop Description:
You will have the balance of an astronaut, the core of a athlete, the happiness of a songbird, the triceps and toning to the best you body is capable of and the strong back of a miner.
Location: Education Building @ Millbrook Marsh, State College, PA
Date: Oct. 22nd
Time: 3:30 – 4:10pm
Doug Hayward
Doug Hayward has was introduced to Yoga thru a Philosophy course at Millersville University as an undergraduate in the early 70’s. However, that exposure simply turned out to be a seed that didn’t blossom until the mid 90’s when he went to a Bikram class in West Reading Pennsylvania. Under the tutelage of Sarita Rocco, Doe Wails, Maryann Blefko, Joel Pier, JoAnn Morrell, Bikram, Jimmy Barkam, Eric Schiffman, Rama Berch and Bri Maya Tiwari he was introduced to the wonderful world of Asana and self discoverable meditation. His journey continued over a couple of years of practice till he became one of the first members of Yoga Alliance when their headquarters was in West Reading, PA. He went on from there on a trip to State College, PA to teach Yoga at a local Massage School and the Pennsylvania State University. Those opportunities continue to flourish to this day while at the same time he opened a small studio called Yoga in State College. Being an avid reader of antiquated Yoga Books, Doug helped to establish Yoga in State College as a portal of Yoga education for thousands of students.